track Day

Watkins Glen

Details for this trip are TBD. Check back often for updates or sign up for our newsletter to always be notified of events.

8:00am – 5:00pm

Canadian Tire Motorsport Park / Mosport GP Track

This track day is open to all experience levels.

Please review our event pre-requisites before registering for a track day.

All track day events include:

Track time at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park’s Grand Prix race track

Full-day coaching is available if required or requested

Light breakfast, drinks throughout the day, and catered lunch (additional lunch guest fee TBD)

Helmet rentals available if required or requested

Full safety support staff on-site throughout the entire day

Please note that track day events run rain or shine

Track day event schedule:

7:30am – 8:15am



Mandatory safety meeting for all drivers


Track sessions
3 Run Groups x 30 Minute Sessions Each

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Track closes during lunch

1:00pm – 5:00pm

Track sessions
3 Run Groups x 20 Minute Sessions Each

Multi-day Event

Watkins Glen International.

This track day is open to all experience levels.

Please review our event prerequisites before registering for a track day.

All track day events include:
Details to come. Check back for updates!
Track day event schedule:
Details to come. Check back for updates!

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